Speak that which is Acceptable

Reading For Today: Proverb Chapter 10

Gold Nugget
Verse 32: 
The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked what is perverse.

Kids say the dandiest thingswell something like that anyway. Unfortunately, our children didn’t come stock from the factory with mouth filters. How many times would it have saved us embarrassment if they did? It’s cute for the most part when they are toddlers. Their ignorance is both bliss and a blessing. There comes a time, however, when ignorance is neither bliss nor a blessing. As they get older, grace for their ignorance is less. What may be cute for a 4 year old doesn’t hold true for someone older.

Don’t get me wrong. I say something foolish probably daily to some extent. You don’t have to look hard to someone more refined than this ol’ Texan. When in certain circles, I have to behave above my norm. The key is knowing what is acceptable. Like today’s “gold nugget” says, The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked what is perverse. Knowing the right and wrong things to say and when not to say anything at all is a characteristic of one who has both knowledge and understanding.

Lord, if we hang in there with your Word and absorb it truths, we will be able to speak and do so with confidence. Give us the knowledge that comes from you when we speak and we will speak appropriately. Convince us that even as children speak out of ignorance, if we lack the knowledge of your Word, we will speak perversely as the wicked. Amen

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