Google It!

Reading for Today: Proverb Chapter 18

Gold Nugget
Verse 2: A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart.
There will always be an opportunity to deceive people and therefore, deceivers will always have a place in society. However, since we live in the age of information, it is a lot easier to call someone’s bluff. All you have to do is “Google” it. A computer is rarely far away from us. Many of us have such a resource on our person at all times in the form of a telephone. Anytime there is a controversial fact that arises in a conversation, people will whip out their phones and call someone’s bluff. We are now ruled by a “higher power” – Google... (at least when it comes to trivia and misc. facts.) How we feel about two plus two is really irrelevant. We know that the calculator has rule over what we feel and expressing our heart has no bearing. Today’s “gold nugget” speaks on this matter. A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart.

How we feel in our heart is overruled by the absolutes in our lives. A Christian acknowledges another absolute in their life. A Christian knows that despite how they may feel about a certain thing, the Word of God overrules all. We as Christians don’t walk through this life making decisions based on how we feel when we have the Word of God to instruct us. It’s not that we don’t allow feelings and the expressions of our heart to have a place in our life; it’s just that the established Word of God is the final authority. If you are unsure about something or what someone is telling you, just Google it... "Google" it in the Scriptures!

Lord, help us to accept your Word as the final authority in our lives. Remind us that we don’t have the luxury of going with how we feel when the truth of the Word stands in opposition.  Amen

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