20/20 Vision

Reading for Today: Proverb Chapter 29

Gold Nugget
Verse 18:Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law.”

Whether it be in church, business or family, if people do not have vision - they will perish. Vision is directly linked to hope. Without vision, there is no hope. When someone is going through a difficult time, telling them that everything will be okay is only so effective. However, telling them what it will take to pull us through and what we will need to do to get us there - is vision. Giving them vision equates to giving them hope. Failing to give them vision will result in them feeling hopeless. When they begin to live without hope, the result will be apathy. Apathy is a condition where someone just doesn't care anymore. That is one of the worse conditions anyone can be in. Today's "gold nugget" refers to people that cast off restraint when they lack vision. They just don't care about what is right or wrong anymore.

Discovering and maintaining vision is of absolute necessity. When someone says, "That guy doesn't have any goals!” - What they are saying is he doesn't have a vision. Goals are milestones that are present only in a vision. A vision that doesn't have goals to mark the progress towards satisfying the vision doesn't possess the elements to survive. Have you found your vision? Did you lose your vision? Either one is just as devastating as the other. Be sure of this - they will not return by themselves. You must determine that you will not be derailed any longer. Seek God for HIS vision! He will return it to you if you seek it passionately. It is time for you to find your vision or recover what was lost of your vision and set some goals today. Will you take the challenge, or will you stay in apathy?

Lord, thank you for the challenge to be reminded of what my vision is and what I need to focus on. Forgive me of the areas of my life that have been infected with apathy. I give those to you, as well. Amen

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