Gold Nugget
Verse 30: “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.”
When I was young I went through more tanks of gas than was necessary. I guess that’s the case with most young men. The thrill of the engine revving under the hood, the force of the speed pushing me back in the seat and the squealing of the tires was more than I could resist. The image that I had in my own mind of how cool I looked pressed me on... (on to the gas station anyway). The immediate gratification won over any logical and long term effects. I could pay tomorrow for satisfaction today. I am older now and well aware of years that I have wasted on foolish choices. Figuring I may be half way through this life puts things in perspective, namely time. I don’t make it a habit of concentrating on the past and what I could have done different, but realizing how much I have wasted makes me aware of the more important things in life - things that really matter and actually last. Today’s “gold nugget” reminds us that “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.”
Our bodies are not going to last forever. Our parts wear out, our hair relocates and our looks fade. Consuming ourselves with the things that fade and neglecting the things that last is a mistake too often repeated in our lives. While our bodies begin to head south, our character should grow. Whether its bad character that grows worse or godly character that becomes more Godly, we should be ensuring the that we are concerned with who we will be when all the other stuff fades. God is interested in our souls more than our looks and gifts. We need to prepare our hearts and accept gracefully without regrets the life that we live. It was His to give and ours to give back. Either way, it’s His now. How are we living in His time with our life? Remember, much of what we think is important has an expiration date on it.
Lord, I know I have missed many opportunities to serve you like I should. My own concerns and desires have too often distracted me from the long term plans you have for me. With your guidance and my submission, I know we can accomplish the plans you have for me. Amen
Lord, I know I have missed many opportunities to serve you like I should. My own concerns and desires have too often distracted me from the long term plans you have for me. With your guidance and my submission, I know we can accomplish the plans you have for me. Amen
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