Black Ice

Reading for Today: Proverb Chapter 4

Gold Nugget
Verse 14-15: 14 Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of evil. 15 Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn away from it and pass on.
Living in the greater Houston area for all of my life, it is rare to see snow. We may get precipitation on days where the temperatures are at or slightly above 32 degrees in the clouds that hold rain, while being below 32 degrees on the ground. This is the story for this particular morning. As I look at the news, there are accidents all over the roads as people in this part of the country prove how unfamiliar we are with driving in these conditions. The rain that has been falling over night is freezing on contact creating “black ice”. Of course we know that black ice does not look like ice, but more like asphalt. It seems like conditions as usual, but as soon as you hit it, you find out how bad a situation you have gotten yourself in. Immediately, everything is out of control. Damage and the financial impact that you are about to incur is bad enough, but more serious is the immediate danger you are in for your life. All of a sudden, your lack of knowledge, preparedness or outright denial of any possible warning is slapping you in the face. You could have listened to the warnings and kept your little self from entering those dangerous paths. We should have done as today’s “gold nugget” warns concerning spiritual “black ice”. 14 Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of evil. 15 Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn away from it and pass on.

We too often try to run right on through the “black ice” of life without adhering to all the warnings. Like the TV, radio and posted signs that warn us, we think we posses the skills to maneuver through conditions that we should avoid at all cost. The cost of not avoiding it will be more than we want to pay. On this morning of dangerous paths all in my vicinity, I will stay in the warmth of my home and do what I can from this safe place. It’s not because of great spiritual insight, but because I have lived long enough to slide into other cars, guardrails and sit stranded or stuck out in the cold. I’ve been on both “black ice” and “thin ice”, I hope I can use my experiences both spiritually and naturally to keep me safe in both realms respectively.

Lord, you have put up all of the warning signs about the paths that lay before us. The Scriptures are always giving us the flashing signs, and road conditions. Help us today to trust you and your Word over our own ability to maneuver through conditions that we should actually avoid. Amen

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